
Shani Wood

Environmental Education and Projects Officer, City of Holdfast Bay


My role at Holdfast Bay is quite diverse and  involves sitting on the Resilient South Project Management Committee, implementing  waste education programs and projects, running environmental workshops and facilitating our environmentally themed community grants and subsidies program. I feel extremely fortunate to have a career that aligns with my passion of  working with the community to create a sustainable environment for generations to come.

One of the more exciting projects I am working on at the moment is with two local Foodlands who have replaced their plastic fruit and vegetable bags with a compostable version. This State Government funded pilot program aims to provide residents with another collection point for compostable bags, which can be used in conjunction with their kitchen organic basket to dispose of food scraps in the organics bin.  Organics that break down without oxygen in landfill produce methane, a toxic greenhouse gas. By placing all organic matter in the organic bin, residents can not only reduce their greenhouse gas emissions but also ensure nutrient rich compost is produced locally for both domestic and industrial use.   

On a personal level, I aim to provide my two daughters with an upbringing that ensures they are well-informed about the impact they have on our environment and the steps they can take (both big and small) to reduce our carbon footprint. We have made the choice to be a “one car family” and, as tenants, have chosen an energy supplier that is carbon neutral certified.